
Friday, September 19, 2008

My Marine Wife Scrabble Pendant

Today I received my custom order "Marine Wife" scrabble tile pendant and chain from Home Studio on Etsy! From the moment I approached them about making the pendant, they were very prompt and specific about what exactly it was that I wanted, even sending pictures of examples before purchasing!

I have been impatiently waiting for my pendant to arrive...since the second I paid for it. Lucky for me, their lightening speed shipping didn't leave me waiting for long!

I ripped the package open like a kid on Christmas morning...and I was blown away. It was exactly what I had pictured in my be completely honest, it exceeded my expectations!
I loved it, and put it on right away....then had to take it off again, but only to take a picture of it so I could blog about it!!!! Oh, the sacrifices we make for a blog entry!

I originally came across Home Studio while browsing jewelry on Etsy. I found this fun red pendant, and it was then that I asked them if they did custom orders. Yay!

I love both of my pendants very much! So, if you are in the market for some good quality and fun bling, check out their shop on Etsy!

Thank you Home Studio!

Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm Up for the Challenge Too!

I'm helping spread the word about Etsy! Do the same and post this on your blog!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Love Etsy Feedback Giveaway!

Love Etsy Feedback Blog has featured 4 new etsy shops, one being Yummy Cuppy Crafts. All you have to do is comment about each shop to enter to win something from the shops! Check out the post for more details, and information about the giveaways! You also get special shop discounts for mentioning the blog feature! So go check it out!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Here are the latest additions to the cuppy collection!
These can be made in any color!

Yummy Cuppy Crafts

(I've got more on the way...I found some great designs today!)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Another Feature...

I woke up this morning with another feature on The Little Black Boxes Blog!
Click on the picture to go see the blog!
This is where I sent in a bunch of samples last month.
I'm off to send out a custom order, and start on some new items!
Check my etsy shop for the new listings, and check back here for their debut!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Another Blog Appearance

I just received a note from Tags & Buttons that she put my Etsy Mini on her blog!
Go check it out here:
Tags & Buttons
There is also a Tags & Buttons Etsy Shop!
For Buttons, Tags, Custom Promos & More!
Check out the online store here:
Tags & Buttons Etsy Shop

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Featured On a Blog!

I was contacted by Hollie of The Housewives' Understudy, a blog of "vintage advice for running a household kitchen with a dash of modern ideas!" She loved my cupcake wrappers and bought a couple sets, and then featured them on her blog!

Yay! I'm so excited! I love when people contact me and say they love my stuff, but when they take it a step further and want to feature me on their blog...I am just honored!

So, go check out her blog! It's great! Thanks Hollie!