
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm Back

First let me apologize for my extended absence! I have not blogged for several weeks! Man has it been crazy busy lately!!!

My family flew home to be with our families over the holidays. That ended us up in the hospital over Christmas as my youngest became severely dehydrated and needed IV fluids to replace all the fluids she had lost the past few days thanks to a flu bug! Then upon returning home from the hospital, I got the bug and was down for over 48 hours.

It was blistering cold the whole 2 weeks we were back in the we were so happy to finally be back in Hawaii in the warm weather.

We also found out we are expecting #4! It came to a surprise to us but we are very blessed and excited! However, my husband is leaving for Iraq very soon and will most likely not be back in time for the birth....

Whew! That being said, besides being tired more than usual, I think I am finally back on my feet, and hoping to get some new cupcake wrapper designs up on Etsy for you!

Thanks for all of you who have been so very patient while I have been away! I'll do my best to get back on track. Just bear with me as we are trying to spend as much time as a family before my Marine deploys!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and Happy New Year!