
Monday, June 29, 2009

Heart Ornaments

I have had these little wooden hearts for a while now. In lieu of my Mod Podge obsession, I decided to add some scrapbook paper to them, drill a hole, add some ribbon, and make them into little ornaments.
And then I thought I'd make use of my $2 spoon rack find and display them like so for the photo! Hmmmm, maybe I could make ornies for each holiday! I have been trying to think of ways I could use this spoon rack for something OTHER than spoons!
If you have any other suggestions for using the spoon rack, leave me a comment! I'd love to hear your ideas!!!

Bean Bag Giveaway - CLOSED

I know, I am LONG overdue for a giveaway! Things have been really crazy lately, but I've taken some time to get my craft on, so here ya go!

This giveaway is for:
2 Sets of Bean Bags
(win one or both!)
1) Flames
2) Ladybugs

Each comes in a set of 4!
Filled with navy beans.
Machine sewn.

Keep them for yourself, or gift them to someone else!

*Here's the many ways you can enter for multiple chances to win... heck you could just win them both:
(Be sure to leave a seperate comment for each entry.)

1) Just leave a comment at the end of this post but be sure to leave your email so I can contact you if you win!

2) Visit my Etsy shop then come back and leave a comment about your favorite item.

3) Follow my blog then leave a comment letting me know.

4) Become a FAN of Yummy Cuppy Crafts on Facebook and then leave a comment letting me know!

5) Join my mailing list on the right and then leave a comment below letting me know.

6) Blog about my giveaway and then leave the link to your post in the comment box below!

7) Follow me on Twitter, then leave a comment. (Getting the idea?)

8) Tweet about the giveaway with the giveaway link and leave the link to the tweet below!
Contest will be closed July 4th at midnight (Hawaii time)!
The winner will be announced (and contacted via email) July 5th!

Good luck!!!

American Flag Placemats - Yard Sale Remake

I got this set of 6 wooden placemats at a yard sale for a whopping $0.50... for the SET!!!! I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them too, as soon as I laid my eyes on them!

I absolutely LOVE how they turned out! My 11 y.o. daughter helped me paint these with acrylic paints, and then I finished them with a layer of Mod Podge. The glossy finish made a huge difference and I just LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bug Box Remake Tutorial

A cute little toy store was going out of business this past week, and a friend of mine found these cute little bug boxes there! She gave one to me, and then I went back a few days later and got a couple more for my niece and nephew. I wanted to 'personalize' them a little so they knew which one would be their's.

So since I have been obsessed with Mod Podge lately, I thought I'd add a little paper on the ends to spice them up a bit.

First, I took the door off the box.

I found some fun scrapbook paper and traced around the ends of the box and the little door.

Then I cut out the paper and traced out the circle opening into the box and marked the screw holes for reattaching the door.

Next, I slathered the Mod Podge on the ends of the box and laid the paper down, smoothing it out. I did the same thing for the door.

Once dried, I sanded down the sides for a clean edge so no paper was hanging off and then applied another layer of Mod Podge for a shiny finish!

Then I painted the trim of the bug box with a coordinating color.

Then one more layer of Mod Podge on the painted trim for that shiny finish!

Here they are drying before the final re-assembly!


I hope they like them!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday Yard Sale Finds

I loaded up the kiddos this morning and headed to the base to find some treasures. Then we went out in town and found some more! Here is what we came home with:
Park Bench $5

Spoon Rack $2 - Ugly Cabinet $1

Set of 6 Placemats $0.50 - Jar set? $0.50

Orange Wicker Chair $FREE$ on the curb

My 11 y.o. daughter wanted to take this project on herself, so she found some white spray paint in the garage and started in as soon as we got home. There wasn't much paint left, so it didn't get much further than what you see below. I need to go get her another can o' paint! Then we need to come up with a cushion, but I think it will really turn out cute!

She and I also started in on those little wooden placemats, but I'll post those results when they are all done!

Friday, June 26, 2009

More Thrift Finds & A Few Results...

As I had guessed, the prices were MUCH cheaper at the thrift shop on the base today! I got the table, and all its contents on top for under $5! The table was only $2, the matching frames were $0.50 each, the 4 napkin rings were $0.25 as well as the metal hangar thingy...

The tall narrow shelf was $15 off Craigslist.

And remember this set of bronzed beauties????

I painted them black, and lit some floating candles in them.
The candles were a set of 6 that I got today for $0.25!

And remember this ugly wood block candle holder???I removed the wood 'art' and replaced it with a small beveled mirror I got at Ben Franklin for less than $2

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thrift Store Finds...

I've seen lots of 'reinvented' blog posts lately, and it motivated me to head over to the local Salvation Army Thrift Store to see what treasures I could find.

First off, I was really wanting to find a cute little table or desk to dress up, but I was extremely disappointed at the outrageous prices they were asking for some of the furniture!!!! Granted, I live in Hawaii, but who would pay $150 for a used particle board dresser??? I wouldn't pay that brand new?! And cute little end tables for $30-$60? Maybe that wasn't so bad, but I was looking for something a lot cheaper than that I guess.

So, I headed to the home decor area and picked up a few 'treasures' that I still thought were a dollar or two overpriced. For as much stuff as this place gets donated to them, you'd think they would lower their prices to keep it moving!!!

Okay, sorry for the ranting and raving... here are my finds. Stay tuned for their makeovers!
Tomorrow I'm headed to the thrift shop on the base where I know the prices will be lower!
Then this weekend.... I'm hitting up the yard sales!

Check out this Giveaway

Graco Twin Ipo StrollerFor details on the giveaway go HERE.
For more details on Graco products go HERE

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Old Louvered Door Upcycle

We have done a TON of remodeling in our old home here in Hawaii. One of the things that HAD to go, were the "Methodist Church Fellowship Windows" in the kitchen... you know, the sliding louvered doors that opened from the kitchen into the living/dining room? Ugh... They were old, dirty and ugly!

I refused to let my husband throw them away, though, because I KNEW I could come up with something to make them into.

So, today, I decided to take a break from repainting the kitchen cabinets to do something fun... My little man helped remove all the old hardware from the four doors.

Then I just brought out my handy little acrylic paints and an old bristled brush and brushed a quick coat of paint on 3 of them. One red, one antique white and the last navy blue. I didn't paint them completely, because I really liked the old rustic look.

Then, I put some hangers on the back sides...

Now, where to hang them and what to do with them!? I want to add some things to them but am not sure what exactly? Any suggestions?

Patriotic Little Man Tie T-Shirts

I saw a great tutorial HERE from "Crap I've Made" blog for these cute tie applique t-shirts! Last week I finally got around to making some! They were so easy and so much fun. I made 4 in just minutes for the four little men in my 18 month old daughter's playgroup! I forgot to take a picture of all of them, so just have these 2 left after our last playgroup. A couple of the boys couldn't make it last gathering, so I have these to show you!

(Eeeks! I don't know why it rotated the picture, but I can't get it to turn?! Sorry)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Polka Dots and Robots

I just ordered this adorable shirt for my 18 month old daughter, Addison, from a friend of a friend who makes super cute custom clothing for kids!

Check out some of her work on her blog:

She did an amazing job, and I am already thinking about what to have her make next!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Magnetic ABC's

I saw the tutorial to make these HERE, by way of a new blog I have been following called Grace Violet...but they were made with fabric. I altered it a little and instead of fabric, used scrapbook paper. I just have so much more of that to chose from then my fabric stash. That, and I was just too lazy to drag out the ol' fabric box.

Why did I make these? Because the cheap alphabet magnets I got from Wal-Mart are hardly strong enough to stick to my fridge, and end up UNDER my fridge more than anything. That, and you just can't find cute stuff like this in Hawaii!

Here is what my ABC's ended up like:I didn't have the magnetic sheets like in the tutorial, instead, I used a stack of business card magnets and just decreased the font size to 200 before printing. They fit perfectly then.

They were so fun to make. I even had my 11 year old help cut out the ABC's for me, and then she ended up making a few creations of her own for her BFF! And, once the mod podge was dry, my 4 year old was thrilled to run them to the fridge and try them out.

*I made a few extra letters so that he can spell out his name and his 2 sisters' names without running out of letters!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Lovely Blog Award

I have just been awarded the 'Lovely Blog Award' by Jeananne of Art Whims!

She has two Etsy shops Art Whims and Art Whims Paper... and her blog: Art Whims. Thank you so much for the award! How fabulous are you!?!

In addition to accepting the award, I am supposed to pass the "Lovely Blog Award' on to some other blogs that I adore! So, here are some blogs I follow and think are 'lovely'!

(in no particular order)