
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Featured on Another Etsy Treasury!!

Check out my ladybug cupcake wrapper on this treasury made by Juliekope at Beauty by Hand.

My New Scentsy Warmer

I WON! And received my fabulous prize in the mail a few days ago! Andrea, a consultant for Scentsy sent me a totally patriotic wickless candle warmer! I LOVE IT! Thank you Andrea!!!

Check out her blog and all the fabulous Scentsy products below:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A quick trip to the thrift shop on base...

Finds at the thrift shop on base this week...

I grabbed these two bottles just because... the one with the cork is a real pretty teal... and the candle holder thingy is from Home Interiors... and a cake pan to add to my collection, to which my husband will be so thrilled!

These two frames don't have the glass or anything to them, but I liked the detailing and thought they would be pretty painted white and hung on my bare walls...

All the above for $5

Stay tuned for results... I've been busy the past few nights.


In an attempt to clean out my stash before we move in a few months, I am having a sale on my patriotic cupcake wrappers and cake picks in my Etsy Shop! The wrappers are all 1/2 OFF! And cake picks are also on sale!


Here are just a few examples of what you will find on sale:

Get them before they are gone! It's never too early/late to get ready for next year!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Quick Framed Monogram

I have been checking out all the Monday reinventions from fellow bloggers' weekend thrift finds. I love the monogrammed picture frames.... so I ran back to my craft stash and pulled out a small frame I've had forever. I got it at Wal-Mart for $1.
I dry brushed some red paint on the frame, and then cut out some scrapbook paper, printed out a fancy "T"... tediously cut it out, then glued it to the paper and framed it!
And I put it on my reinvented mirror I did a couple weeks ago!
...and, it literally took me less than 10 minutes!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekend Finds and Results

I missed out on Saturday's yard sales, but tried to catch a few Sunday morning. There wasn't much, but I did grab a couple pairs of shorts for my little Addi-bug.

We were running errands to get some last minute items for my daughter's week long camp, so we ran into Ross. I DID find a few ugly signs I could paint while we were there.

The top one was tin, already had a wire hanger on it, and was only $3.99. The DO NOT ENTER is wood, has hangers, and was only $2.99. And I grabbed the little lampshade for $1.50 for that light blue lamp I grabbed the other day. I was thinking of embellishing it somehow.

I spray painted the inside section of the black tin sign with chalkboard paint. Easy Peezy! Done.

These frames I had tried to play with months ago.... what was I thinking? Ugh!

So, I took the glass out of them and spray painted them all white. Not sure where they will go or what will go in them, but they do look a lot better than before!!!

I am trying to finish up my other projects this week before my mom comes on Friday. Then a few days later, hopefully baby will be here! Then there probably won't be much time for crafting or thrifting... (i'm a little sad about that, I've really enjoyed driving around on the weekends looking for great deals) I would LOVE to get my hands on some furniture to redo, but with a big move coming up in a few months, my husband would probably kill me.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Weekend Finds

This week was crazy busy with the kids and VBS... and yet another soccer game today, so I didn't get to hit the yard sales like I wanted. My friend, however, had a HUGE yard sale fundraiser for some missionary friends moving to FIGI, so I did stop by there and see what was there.

2 giant sconces $0.50 each

I also came across this lamp... no shade, but that's ok. I have seen some cute ideas on blogs that I'd like to try.... I still need to make sure it works too! It's a pretty light blue, but I think I'll paint it white. I don't have any blue in my house.

Then this morning before I headed to the soccer game, I drove past a neighborhood yard sale and found this tray for $0.50...

Then a small pile of brand new or like new baby clothes for $2. Since I don't know what I'm having, I grabbed things for boy or girl! hee hee

I have quite a pile of things to work on out in the garage. I just haven't had the time this week (or the energy) to work on anything. I hope to do a little this week before baby comes!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Not so thrifty weekend...

This weekend was a bummer in the thrifty department. I didn't get to catch many yard sales Saturday because my son had his first soccer game! But I was okay with missing some sales for the big game! It was so much fun watching a bunch of 4 year olds chase after the ball like a bunch of magnets and kick the ball into the closest goal, whether it was their team's or not!

Today I ran to a few places and this is the only find I came up with all weekend.
$1 step stool...
I want to paint it up for our bathroom for the littles to reach the sink. Right now they are using the potty chair/step stool. Which at present is not being used as a potty.
I did, however finally get to making some chalkboard plaques. I found these ugly plaques at Target on clearance a few weeks ago. My daughter was so embarressed when I filled up my cart with a couple dozen of these... but at the price, I couldn't resist!

I sprayed them with chalkboard paint, drilled a couple holes in the top for the tripled up ribbon to hang it. Then I glued black polka dot ribbon around the edge for some extra umph! Oh! And then I attached a loop of ribbon on the top edge to slide a piece of chalk in!

My daughter is going to a birthday party, so I thought it would be a fun thing to give as a gift. I thought it would be cute to hang on a bedroom door for messages like:


" SO & SO's ROOM"

GIRLS ONLY... etc...

But for starters, I wrote a quick "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
I have some great ideas to spruce them up a bit too. I'll post them if I ever get around to making more anytime soon. Baby #4 is coming soon! Better craft while I have the time.... and energy!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kendee Watches Giveaway

Go check out one of my favorite blogs over at MAKE IT AND LOVE IT for this fabulous watch giveway from KENDEE WATCHES. Check out her fabulous items on her BLOG or in her ETSY SHOP.

They are just too cute!

Thrift Store Results...

I painted this clock black, and then painted the outside rim of the face silver. I'm not thrilled with how this turned out. It's better than it was, but am thinking of something else to do with it. Not only that, the stinkin' thing doesn't even work. So, its just a 'still life'.

At the last second, I grabbed this brassy gold backless frame for $0.50... The glass just needed a good cleaning, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it...
I painted it white,
washed the glass,
covered some cardboard with fabric,
and with some helpful advice from Amanda of Imperfectly Beautiful,
printed out the word FAMILY on some cardstock.
(Cutting out the letters was painful and tedious, but definitely worth it!!!)
Thank you Amanda for your great advice!!!

I am in LOVE with this!

I might even make a few other carboard backings so that I can change it out!
I debated on what words to use... TURNER, DREAM, TOYS, etc...
It might be fun to change it out during the year... hmmm, seasonal?

That's all for now... more to come soon, I hope!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Today's Thrift Store Finds

I ran some errands on base today and decided to slip into the thrift shop and see if there were any good finds!!

My daughter asked me this morning, "Does Dad know you are doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Buying all this stuff?"

"No, why?" (my husband is deployed)

"Because he's going to be mad you are buying all this stuff that we are going to have to just pack up when we move!"

"Oh, no he won't" (I hope! As long as I can get most of it "reinvented" before he gets home! hee hee)

BUT... anyways....I did come across a few things:

Backless Frame with Glass $0.50
Huge Bowl (originally from Target, I think) $0.50
3 big wood letters $0.25 each
Bag o' Craft Items $0.50
Pottery Piece $0.50
Small Wooden tray $0.50
Ugly Green Kleenex Box Cover $0.50

These were inside the craft bag, the only reason I bought that.

Stay tuned for what they turn into!

Wall Mirror - Before & After

I've had this mirror forever! I think I got it at Hobby Lobby at least 9 years ago. Half off for $5 of $10. Why I chose green, I don't know... So lately, it's been collecting dust (as you can obviously see) in a closet. I was actually going to get rid of it, but decided to give it a paint job and see how it turned out.

I saw a post recently from Better Home & Gardens with table settings of all sizes of glass jars with tea lights in them, and thought I'd apply that look to the little shelf on this mirror. The picture isn't all that great, but I LOVE how the project turned out!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Upcycle Before & After

I got this jar set for $0.50 at a yard sale...

I painted the tray white and the lids red with black polka dots. Then glued black ribbon around the jars and filled them with her hairbands and clips. Before, they were just dumped in one of the bathroom drawers!
Even though my little girl shares a room with Daddy's office, I WILL give her a ladybug room after our next move.

In A Treasury!

Jenifer of Pretty Pickles created a fabulous Black and White Treasury and included one of my cupcake wrappers in it!

Check it out HERE

Thanks Jenifer!!

Giveaway Winners

With the help of RANDOM.ORG the winners of the beanbag giveaways are:

#5 windycindy

#16 Aik

Thanks to all of you who entered! Stay tuned for more fun posts and giveaways to come!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kreative Blogger Award

I've received a Kreativ Blogger Award from Jeannine of Fireflies and Jellybeans! I have frequented her blog for some time now, and was thrilled to hear from her! Thank you so much!!!

The Rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.

7 things about myself...

1. I am a Proud Marine Wife who's husband is currently deployed to Afghanistan.

2. I have 3 kids, and #4 will be here in about a month.

3. In addition to crafting, I love to bake. Check out my baking blog HERE and another one HERE.

4. I grew up in a small town in Iowa, and never thought I'd leave the state... now I live in Hawaii (via the Marine Corps)

5. I just got my first speeding ticket a couple months ago.

6. I love surfing the internet for craft blogs and will try almost any craft once!

7. I struggle to stay organized. My husband says I have "Kim piles" all over the house. If there is a flat surface open, I can fill it!

7 Nominees for the Kreativ Blogger Award:

Joy's Hope

Poppies at Play

Melissa Loves Photography


Make It and Love It

Green Apple Orchard

Crap I've Made

Please go check out these blogs! They are on my list of blogs I visit pretty much daily!

Custom Order - Cupcake Wrappers

Here is a custom order I just mailed out today!
Beauty & The Beast Cupcake Wrappers

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Trash to Treasure - Wicker Chair Reinvented

Remember this orange chair? I found it on the curb on base during our yard sale adventure last week!

FREE!My daughter claimed this as her project...
So she spray painted it white.....
And the other day on our Target run, we came across seat cushions 1/2 off!
So she picked out a red cushion!

And the end results:

Tutorial - Make Your Own Alphabet Blocks

I am 35 weeks pregnant as of today and I had a friend of mine take some maternity pictures of me. I've seen some really cute photos with mommies-to-be holding wooden blocks with "BABY" or the baby's name in the photos. But instead of buying a whole set of alphabet blocks, I thought I'd try to make my own!

I found these wooden blocks at Ben Franklin for $0.99 each.
Since we are waiting until baby arrives to find out the gender, I got 4 blocks to spell out B-A-B-Y.

I picked out some scrapbook paper and punched out 4 squares that were just a little smaller then the wood blocks.
Next, I painted the blocks with black paint
Then I slathered on a layer of Mod Podge on one side of each block...
as well as the backside of the scrapbook paper and then centered the paper on the block.
I had some stencils that fit perfectly inside the paper, so I used a small round sponge brush to dab a little paint over the stencil.

*NOTE: Don't get too much paint on the brush, or the paint will ooze under the stencil and leave you with a globby looking letter. (Trust me, I know)
Allow the paint to dry completely.

I put a layer of Mod Podge over the stenciled letters for a glossy finish.
Let dry!
And Voila!

You can put paper on each side of the blocks for a variety, and stencil letters too, but I was on a time crunch and needed them later that day, so I just did one letter per block. I'll go back and add the rest later!

Here are the blocks in action: