
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cake Spinner Remodel

When my grandmother passed away 5 years ago, I got to keep some of her cake pans and supplies.  I now have a pantry FULL of character pans, icing tips, and... her cake spinner.
One of the most memorable things about going to my grandparents house, was walking in and immediately being taken over by the smell of cake. (My grandma was THEE Cake Lady in our area)  She was always baking and frosting cakes whether it was for a birthday, graduations, or weddings.

The second most memorable thing...
She always used this old wooden cake spinner as she spun the cakes around as she frosted them.  I loved how it sounded. The sound of the ball bearings rolling around the ring... Sometimes I will just spin it around to hear the sound! Takes me back.

Anyways... I can't even tell you how many years she used it.  And when I brought it home, I covered it with foil each time to keep it 'clean', and because it was a bit 'aged'.

I decided to give it a makeover. It needed a 'fresh look'.  So...

I removed the hardware off the bottom...

I washed it up as best as I could.  Sanded down the edges a little to give it a softer finish... and then slapped on a couple coats of black paint. I painted around the edge, the bottom, and in a couple inches or so on the top.

Next, I found some scrapbook paper and cut out a circle that would fit on the top of the spinner.
I used my compass to draw the biggest circle possible on a 12x12 paper. Cut it out. Used my handy dandy mod podge to cover the bottom of the paper and place it in position on the spinner.

After drying completely, I covered the entire thing in a couple coats of clear coat.

Reattached the hardware.

Cake spinner renewed... Fresh New Look...with same memorable spinning noise!


  1. That turned out beautiful! I Love it!

  2. Wow! What a big difference that made! I love how it turned out.

    PS: I'm doing my first giveaway ever on my blog and I'd love for you to stop by and enter!

  3. Wow! I love the transformation,great job! I am your newest follower

  4. Great idea. I have one of these but like the idea of using one, but never do because its an eyesore! Yours turned out great.

    Stop by our new link party called Sister Sunday at

  5. It looks great! And what a special memory!

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    (this is only open to US residents, if this is not a possibility please let me know)

  7. Lovely, well done. The best part though are the wonderful memories associated with this great cake turner. Hugs!

  8. Hello,
    I just wanted to let you know I gave you the Versatile blog award...please stop by and check it out....
    Thanks and have a great day!
    Maureen :)
